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英法联军军官家书曝光 详细记录洗劫圆明园细节
2018年03月29日 10:49:49 来源: 中国日报

  21st October


  … I went out on Thursday with a party to burn down the Summer Palace. It is about four miles from here, and a portion of it is beautifully situated on a spur of the hills which form a magnificent background; it is very different from all European notions of a palace, and consists of range of buildings scattered over an immense extent of ground on the plain at the foot of the hills.


  The temples were enriched with quantities of most beautiful bronzes and enamels, but were too large and heavy to be moved conveniently...


  I succeeded in getting several bronzes and enamel vases as well as some very fine porcelain cups and saucers of the Emperor's imperial pattern (yellow with green dragons) but they are so dreadfully brittle that I quite despair ever being able to get them home in their present condition.



  也有一些声音表达了要用大量金钱买回自己东西的不满: 此次拍卖会的顾问阿拉斯泰尔·吉布森(Alastair Gibson)在公开信函中的一段话更是刺眼,其对中国买家的示好似乎别有用意:



责任编辑: 金斌


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